
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Bellamy. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Parents
Bellamy, Alice Mary 8 July 1869 6 September 1852 Bellamy, George (Doctor) Thiele, Eliza Jane
Bellamy, Arthur 1865 16 January 1915 Bellamy, George (Doctor) Thiele, Eliza Jane
Bellamy, Edith Winifred 8 October 1864 6 January 1944 Bellamy, George (Doctor) Thiele, Eliza Jane
Bellamy, Edward William 9 August 1873 10 February 1946 Bellamy, George (Doctor) Thiele, Eliza Jane
Bellamy, Ethel 9 July 1883 18 June 1970 Bellamy, George (Doctor) Thiele, Eliza Jane
Bellamy, Frank C. 13 July 1872 1 November 1960 Bellamy, George (Doctor) Thiele, Eliza Jane
Bellamy, George (Doctor) 30 April 1838 15 April 1875 Bellamy, George (Reverend) Folds, Wilhelmina Margaretha
Bellamy, George (Reverend) 26 February 1808 17 January 1880  
Bellamy, George William 30 October 1863 26 November 1922 Bellamy, George (Doctor) Thiele, Eliza Jane
Bellamy, Gertrude Helen 2 May 1868 20 April 1915 Bellamy, George (Doctor) Thiele, Eliza Jane
Bellamy, Herman 26 August 1880 22 May 1950 Bellamy, George (Doctor) Thiele, Eliza Jane
Bellamy, Hester Elizabeth 1844 13 August 1934 Bellamy, George (Reverend) Folds, Wilhelmina Margaretha
Bellamy, Hugh Gerald Seymour 28 April 1867 20 May 1945 Bellamy, George (Doctor) Thiele, Eliza Jane
Bellamy, Irene M. 14 October 1885   Bellamy, George (Doctor) Thiele, Eliza Jane
Bellamy, Katherine Demaris 29 January 1878 3 September 1960 Bellamy, George (Doctor) Thiele, Eliza Jane
Bellamy, Maria Seymour 23 August 1840 6 May 1925 Bellamy, George (Reverend) Folds, Wilhelmina Margaretha
Bellamy, Wilhelmina 16 July 1836 26 January 1919 Bellamy, George (Reverend) Folds, Wilhelmina Margaretha
Bellamy, Winnifred Wilhelmina 28 September 1834 27 May 1904 Bellamy, George (Reverend) Folds, Wilhelmina Margaretha